PwC Ride the Nation

With the Tour de France coming to an end I thought there would be no better time than to reflect on  PwC Ride the Nation (#PwCRtN), PwC’s charity cycle event with which Mike, Sarah and John helped out.

Starting in Birmingham, a team of just five riders attempted to cover a distance of around 2,000 miles in just 28 days, joined by colleagues from offices across the country who took part in daily sportifs or local rides and activities. PwC have run this event in previous years and gained the support of over 700 employees, either saddling up, or helping in other fundraising activities. So far, this event has helped raise over £300,000 for all the PwC Foundation Charities.

Mike prepping for the riders arrival

As the riders made their journey from Thirsk to Manchester, they made a pit stop in Leeds, home to Leeds Physio Clinic, where Sarah, John and Mike were armed with massage beds and lotion ready to spring some life into tired legs. It was amazing to see how enthusiastic each of the riders were as they pulled into Leeds, especially once they were told a massage awaited them. As they departed, their smiles strong and ever present.

Here at Leeds Physio, we commend the strength and resilience of those who took part in this event. The weather was horrendous, with all hopes for a sunny June lost. The task they had to complete was not the easiest, but they put their heads down and pedalled their

John refreshing some tired legs

hearts out to support these fantastic charities.

Well done once again, and thank you PwC Leeds for letting us be part of such a wonderful and beneficial event. We hope that our hands-on treatments and our words of wisdom and encouragement helped you all continue your journey cross-country.

If you have an event you’d like us to help out with get in touch with us either by phone or by email to discuss this firther.

-Leeds Physio Team



Summer Holiday Activities for Kids

School’s out for summer!

It can be hard finding things to do with the kids during the summer holidays (six weeks is a long time), especially activities that don’t involve watching telly or playing on the PlayStation. To help you out heres a list of things you can do in Leeds, as well as some clubs that leave a bit of free time for yourself.

Geo-caching, The World’s Biggest treasure Hunt – Geocaching is a real-world outdoor treasure hunting game. Players try to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, using GPS-enabled devices and then share their experiences online. Download the app and explore your surroundings. It’s fun, free and it gets the kids moving.

Tennis for Kids Course – If your child has been inspired by the talent of young Coco Gauff in Wimbledon this month, maybe a taster in tennis could lead them towards a future in professional tennis. These courses are available all over Leeds (Chapel Allerton, Pudsey, Roundhay park, Dartmouth Park and Shadwell) and some of them are free!!

Escape Hunt – Exercising the mind is just as important as the brain so head to an escape room on a gloomy day and keep them entertained.

Jungle Rumble Mini Golf – Maybe your son/daughter was impressed by the talent shown at The Open earlier this month and want to work on getting a swing like Rory McIlroy.

Complete the Leeds Treasure Hunt Trail  – The trail is around 2 miles long and takes about 2 hours to complete, with clues designed with kids in mind it ensures fun for all the family. The trail is suitable for wheelchairs and pushchairs and is available to do all year round.

Embrace your inner primate and hit the wallThe Climbing Lab  and The Big Depot are just two of the many child-friendly climbing walls Leeds has to offer so grab some active wear and get climbing.

– Jump Around at one of Leeds’ 3 Trampoline Parks. Jump Inc. Oxygen Freejumping and JumpArena.

– Give Sailing a try – Head to Yeadon Tarn and get involved with the activities that Leeds Sailing and Activity centre run throughout the holidays.

Love Activity

You may have seen on our twitter page the new campaign launched by the CSP (Chartered Society of Physiotherapists) this year called Love Activity Hate Exercise? The campaign grew from the knowledge that more than a third of adults in the UK don’t achieve the daily recommended amount of exercise (World Health Organisation) and a suggestion that it comes from a fear of exercise itself.

Within the world of physiotherapy, the title has sparked some debate, with some questioning if it encourages aversion toward exercise. However others who have used this new campaign to inspire their patients have found that the theme resonates well with them as people who have never enjoyed the idea of exercise, which is often portrayed as a chore, in comparison to activity and the enjoyment that this word connotes.

The new campaign highlights that being active is not as boring as the word exercise can be portrayed. It can be fun. It can be enjoyable.

Sitting on the stationary bike in the gym is not fun for anyone, even avid gym-goers couldn’t defend it, so find the activity that suits you. For me, I love running and cycling, commuting to the clinic on my bike and throwing on a pair of trainers and going for a run in the evening. In a world where we are constantly flooded with images of tight fitting clothing and high gym fees, however, it’s no wonder we are getting less and less active.

To keep running fun, I use it as a way to explore my surroundings. If I’m running from home, I’ll choose a different route each time, going down public footpaths and roads I’m unfamiliar with so that each experience is a new one. Occasionally making a trip to somewhere different, most recently Fewston Reservoir. A change of scenery makes a lot of difference.

Another thing that helps me keep myself active is being active with other people. We are lucky being based in a city like Leeds in that there is something for everyone’s taste and fitness levels. Leeds has everything from walking groups, football teams, tennis, dance and more. So if you’re looking for social sport, you’re covered.

– Tia

Tips From The CSP

Look good, feel good
  • You don’t need expensive, special clothes or shoes – wear something light and comfortable. Get running shoes which are comfortable for you – there’s no need for expensive foot assessments!
Eat well, drink well
  • Energy gels are fine, but so are bananas! Eat nutritiously: fruit, malt-loaf, oats 30 minutes before running. Water is necessary, but you don’t need gallons! A glass before and after is fine.
Warm-up nice and gently
  • You don’t need anything special to warm up – just set-off walking until you feel ready to run! Easing into your run will help you feel more comfortable and reduce injuries.
Run for fun
  • Running should be enjoyable! Don’t feel you have to struggle and strain all the time. Run a bit, walk a bit. Listen to your body. Over time you will become fitter and stronger.
Ditch the tech and get off the road!
  • While tech like watches, trackers, headphones can be helpful, try not to let them get in the way of you and running. Try unplugging and use your precious time to connect with and explore open land and countryside.
Buddy up
  • Try running with a partner to help keep you motivated. Many find the community-feel and support of local parkruns Why not look up if there is a parkrun in your area you can join?

Better Posture Better Back

The average UK office worker spends almost 1,700 hours a year in front of their computer screen (The Independent). Poor sitting posture is one of the main factors in the development of neck and shoulder pain as well as symptoms in the arm such as pain, pins and needles and numbness.

By following some of these simple guidelines you can reduce the loading on your body and thereby increase your comfort levels at work.

Sit right back in your chair – Place your bottom right back into the seat, keeping your back in contact with the back of the chair. Relax your trunk and let the chair do the work of sitting.

Keep your elbows just in front of your shoulders – there’s no need to have your arms outstretched to reach the keyboard. Simply move the keyboard closer to you or bring your chair closer in to the desk.

Make sure your shoulders are relaxed – Try to avoid tensing the shoulders when keying

Get a separate monitor – if you are using a laptop for an extended period of time the screen size will be small, hard to read the text and positioned too low. This will tend to draw you forwards, away from the back of the chair. A good solution is a separate monitor that can be placed nearer eye level.

– Sarah